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Marchant Decorating Ltd Terms and Conditions

By accepting the quotation or estimate you agree to our terms and conditions as set out below.


Quote and estimates.

All quotes and estimates are valid for 30 days only.



All invoices must be settled within 7 days from the date of invoice. If invoices are paid late there could be extra costs added. If we don’t receive payment this may also lead to work stopping until the invoice is settled.


Work area preparation.

Prior to the commencement of work, all areas must be cleared of all personal effects and furniture, a cost may be added to the invoice if this is not done and we have to move items, please note we cannot be accountable for any damage to furniture and personal effects left in the work area. New builds or refurbishment works would include other trades tools and materials.


Delays to work.

If we don’t have adequate notice of a delay in works due to other trades working or areas not ready for at least 5 days a charge to cover our costs may be added to the invoice. This also includes if we have already started other trades etc start work in the same areas.


Unforeseen extras to quote or poor workmanship from previous trades.

Whilst we try and cover all things in our quotes if any unforeseen issues do happen this will be an extra cost which will be agreed upon prior to carrying on. This also covers poor workmanship from previous trades, new plasterwork is hard to see the imperfections until mist coated, fresh plaster should require no preparation or fixing of blow plasterboard fixings, we also can't be held accountable if the plasterwork is not flat. New carpentry works should have minimal-sized gaps to fill and all nail heads should be counter-sunk prior to us starting.



If we don’t supply materials we cannot be held responsible for any issues due to the products you have supplied.


Snags and snagging.

When snagging any completed works this must be done two metres away from the surface in natural light. Any areas you feel require snagging need to be voiced prior to us finishing onsite.


Damage to areas.

Any damage caused during or after works are completed will be an additional cost.



Any accepted quote that cancels within 5 days of the agreed start date will be liable for any costs incurred.


Start dates.

Although we try to stick to the agreed start date, we do have delays our end with other works over running or staff sickness etc. We will give as much notice as possible although in the case of staff sickness, this may be on the day.



We try to give finish dates as accurately as possible although this can sometimes change through the project.



Marchant Decorating Ltd.




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